After three (3) years I found myself still working with AG&P Company of Manila Inc. and yes! It was more challenging than any other companies I've been. I was able to experience several department assignments. First was being training coordinator of HRD, then Training Head, then Sponsorship head, Community relations officer, then, Information Officer and now Marketing Head. In every task and new assignment, I get the pleasure of having to transfer to new offices, each for better and better ambience. I received more privileges and greater responsibilities.
Before the end of 2008, I was offered by my boss a Managerial position. I was even given a chance to become ADMINISTRATOR of two AG&P schools which I declined for reasons only I know.
Don't ask why please! I chose to stay as Marketing Head because I liked the challenge. I was happy working with AG&PFI.
Feeling happy with work iss something I cherish. Respect to work is so important that I am willing to set aside personal motives just to accomplish what are expected of me. I've seen a lot of managers in AG&P frustrate themselves just sitting and doing paper works. I've seen them spent more time going into meetings and workshops that they lose the hunger to improve and grow. I've seen Managers in AG&P work desperately to solve puzzles through books and office works. I've seen Managers come and Go because they were unhappy! I admire some of them for their dedication and hard work but I pity those who wither out because they remained stagnant just wishing to do what they really wanted to do and could not because they were stuck to management unprepared.
I dream of creating a team of Marketing people who will change the entire Marketing rules and dogma in AG&P.
Am I too boastful, fresh and arrogant? Maybe, but I have reason to be. If you look deep into AG&PFI you will find there, beside Mr. Renato M. Alarcon and Marcial P. Morales Jr., my name….. Tree planting, Organic Vegetable Planting, Medical Missions, Sewing, Arts and Sciences and Trainings in Welding, Pipe Fitting, Scaffolding, Engineering and the like. The fruits of our hard work and happy life with AG&P. Working with a team of hard working echelons made my heart pound fast wanting to achieve.
I am proud to go and meet people, introduce AG&PFI to the world, help
people learn and be employed. I love to build families and fulfill dreams of those who fail to reach their impossible dreams. I love to seek sponsors for those who like to learn scaffolding, welding and pipefitting. I love to create and develop. I want to prove to everyone that there is hope with AG&P and as you become part of AG&P's family you can sit back and relax after a day's hard work. I love to see a child smile as he/she sees his/her parent shape the future. I am glad to help those in need over my personal needs and wants.